Sparx Maths Bookwork Check Tool
A tool for Sparx Maths
How to use:
F2 takes a screenshot of the current bookcode and answer. Press F2 BEFORE pressing submit on the answer.
F4 finds the current bookwork check code and opens an image of the answer saved from before. If everything is right, you should pass the check.
Update: You can now calibrate the image bounds for the screenshots if the bounds don’t line up!
DISCLAIMER: No guarantee that this bot with always 100% work. Always check after taking a screenshot that the bot has read the bookwork code correctly and that the whole answer is visible in the image. If the bookwork check is unreadable, it should be renamed to the check code.
- PC/Laptop/Computer
- Command Prompt Access (for installing modules)
- Python 3 installed
Everything else is included in the zip.
Donate some more:
You'll get the bot, pre-installed Tesseract-OCR, and no need for installing modules, I've got you covered!